Aviation Safety and Passengers Rights: The Next Step
21/22 OCTOBER 2014
Sala della Provincia, Via Corridoni, 3 • Milano
8 ottobre 2001, in cooperation with the City of Milan and DEMETRA
Centro studi of Rome, organize an international conference on Flight
Safety and Assistance for Victims and Their Families after an Air
Crash. The attention with which ICAO addressed this topic during the
38th General Assembly and, unfortunately, the disappearance of Flight
MH370 and the downing of Flight MH17 clearly show the need for further
discussion and debate on this issue. Furthermore that accident added
more questions which must be addressed, such as the aircraft tracking methods,
FDR and CVR location and recovery, the post crash Emergency procedures
and assistance to victims and their families. The conference was
planned in response to the need for further discussion and information,
starting with an updated presentation of the main international and
national laws and regulations. It wants to help identify possible
concrete actions in an attempt to formulate new strategies to
continuously improve flight safety and increase passengers protection.

As you can see this is the only opportunity to find
so many high level speakers, all together, in a single event. This
event is free of cost. No entrance fee or charge needs to be paid for
participation in this event. For further details, please contact:
Via San Tomaso, 3 • 20121 Milano (MI)
+ (39) 02 88456685 • Fax + (39) 02 88456690
“Capt. Kohli focused his book on understanding and explaining the causal
factors of the crash, rather than sensationalizing it or assigning
blame. He highlighted areas of improvement in hopes of preventing the
next accident and for these reasons, it is a privilege to present him
with the Brownlow award.” Mr.
Jon Beatty, President and CEO, Flight Safety Foundation.
"'Into Oblivion' is a
well written, educational and informative book regarding the
disappearance of #MH370. It addresses the facts and sequence of events,
explains the technical terms and then gives a methodical overview of
the many theories that are swirling around the mystery. 'Into Oblivion'
is a thought provoking yet respectful book and highly
recommended!" Ms. Jennie Cullen,
CreateSpace customer.
"From the very
beginning it is apparent there has been extensive research into writing
this book. The book covers a lot of ground in human factors, and it
does so with a laser focus on one of the most recent accidents in
Indian aviation history. This book is a must read for all aviation
professionals, enthusiasts, managers, regulators and, above all,
bureaucrats. The author also highlights the role of management of
safety by aviation operators by telling the story of obscure accidents
which are lost in the noise of the bigger ones across the world" - Captain B Thomas - Part
135 Pilot, USA.
"A very interesting
book that provides an accurate summary of the events that occurred
during the mysterious flight MH370. The author explains important
concepts of physics,aviation and communication satellites in a very
descriptive way which helps understanding facts from hypothesis created
by people and media worldwide. The book shows how much the tabloids and
TV news distorted the events for their TRPs and sales. As the title
says this tragedy should never be forgotten." Ms. Piedad Salomon, Amazon
that tell fast-paced action stories and educate even as they entertain!
About the author
Winner of the 2014
Cecil A. Brownlow Publication Award for significant contributions by
journalists to aviation, Captain Sam is an accomplished Pilot and an Air Accident Investigator of
international repute. An ICAO qualified and certified Safety Management
Systems trainer, his Aviation career has spanned over 30 years. He has to
his credit experience of military combat operations; air accident
investigations; airport design, construction & management; and
aviation support to the Oil & Gas Industry. He has also been a
part of committees formed by ICAO and ACI for the development of
International Standards and Recommended Practices.
Some reader reviews
"Easy and
exciting to read, this book shows how disasters could have been easily
avoided if all professionals along the line had fulfilled their duties.
It is a must to anyone who has any level of responsibility in a high-risk
industry and doesn't want to just wait for disaster to happen." Mr. Cobut Thierry, General
Manager AGIP Oil Ecuador.
"I really
enjoyed the book and your insights to the accidents. I liked your
comparison to Dryden Air Ontario. When TC first mandated Human Factors
training for Engineers in Canada that accident was a core study case ...
What I thought was excellent in the book was that you highlighted both
the similarities to the accident causal factors but the differences in
the follow up to the event. The compassion of a management system of an
airline to soccer team was great. It highlights the “blame the pilot” to
the same likeness as blaming the goal tender. Most people can watch a
match and see where errors are being made including off of the pitch. Yet
with aviation there is still a tendency to blame the pilot. Once again
Sam great job."
Robert Cavers,
Regional Aviation Adviser, Eni Australia
"I found the
book of Captain Kohli very interesting, well written and above all
extremely useful for everyone involved in safety-critical systems." -Captain Antonio Chialastri,
Human Factors Researcher, Italy.
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